Make a wish.
Hold it in the sky,
Pin it to the brightest star,
Your eye can find.
And as you lie on the cold, condensing lawn,
When curfew's long past,
And the only sound,
Is that of your breath.
That of the sky,
Breathing winds upon your chilling body,
All stretched in the grass.
Eyes closed, and wishing upon stars.
Beauty in the contours,
Where the sky bends down to meet your lips.
And you kiss back.
Your lips, cold, against those of the sky.
And the stars, twinkle, twinkle on.
You are in love with skies that are dark.
With grass that holds the chilled secrets of the daytime.
And with the little dew drops that mist upon your eyelashes.
You, on the lawn.
Your thin body all stretched and contoured.
Hugging the sky, wishing on stars,
Eyes bright and piercing blue in the wee hours of morning.
And the mourning dove calls,
And you turn your head.
And your pale blue eyes pierce through my heart.
I wish on a star,
To hold you here on the grass,
I don't feel afraid.
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