
Waterloo Sunset.

So, I've been staring at this blog page periodically. And I've been listening to The Kinks voraciously. Hence the title. Something about that song is very bittersweet. It's lovely. Like today. Bittersweet? (That was almost "buttersweet" haha.) Just the way the sun is shining on the daylillies is nostalgic and bittersweet. Life is good and horrible. Beautiful.

Here, have a poem:
"Here comes the Ocean"
To wash this to the end,
Swirl this in the sea tides.

Where the currents scrub it clean.
"Here Comes the Ocean",
To start things all over.

Like glass tossed off the piers at night,
"Here comes the Ocean",
To make it smooth and new.

The sea cannot tell time,
And so "Here comes the Ocean",
To tell you time has ceased.

The waves will start the cycle,
Smooth away the rough, the imperfect,
And "Here comes the Ocean".

Gentle currents make this pristine.
Take away and hide the edges that scratch and carve.
"Here comes the Ocean" to take it all away.

And the Ocean knows not an end,
But it will be here always, the story of human life.
"Here comes the Ocean" to bring plot and purpose.

"Here comes the Ocean".
To wash this away.
To carry it to the deep blue,

Where things start to come clean,
And edges seem smoother,
And "Here comes the Ocean",

To smash this to an end.

I gave this to my English teacher. Hehe... yes. More on him at a later date? :)

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