
Nocturnal Time

I am fed up with entry fees. I will submit poetry to you hoity-toity people and you will read it. This shouldn't cost me $25, plus postage. And now I feel obligated to. It's ridiculous. And I won't win. It'll be twenty-some dollars in vain. Which is ridiculous. There are so many people so many times better I am that'll enter and win the bragging rights and the moneys. Moneys I'd like to put toward college. Moneys I will never win. It's disgusting. Agh.

But I think I'm finally determined enough to write. Like a champion. Haha. Yes, I'll write something evocative and beautiful and it'll dazzle the judges.
Pssh, yeah right. Who am I kidding? 16 year-olds are supposed to write that depressed shit, right? I'm through that phase of my life, actually. That was several years ago. Two actually. I'm ready to be an adult now, please. And the adults will all go, "Oh no! You can't be an adult! Cherish your youngness!" But I don't want to. I'd rather be older. Like, in-college older. I feel like I'd be happier and more successful if I were in college.

I feel like skulking now. D:<

Eh, it's "whatever". (As my Latin teacher says, 'whatever' is teen speak for 'shut up, bitch.') Which in most cases of teenage usage, is completely true.

But yes! Alas! I don't know.

Here. Have a poem, I guess, for I have nothing better to offer you right now. Here.

Nocturnal Secret:

Suburban hum

Of air conditioners

Mundane protests

From the crackling street lamps.

Beyond the first layer of darkness

The one where Suburbia lie,

Fall through thick cover of nocturne,

Slice away at its canvas.

And you will find the night.

Transcending hums of vain suburbans,

Far after the buzzing of bug lamps.

Where the only sounds

Are night breathing.

Still enough to hear those

Who slumber neath synthetic comforters.

Yet alive with the chirrups

And squeaks and calls

Of those who own this stillness.

The little beetles rustling round,

The sleek spiders, light from the stars illuminating

Their bodies of work, let it bask in the glistening of the moon.

And the owls who brood after dark, who call neverendingly "who?"

The stars within grasp of the rooftops,

And the grass that sparkles with dew,

The dainty, yet plump globules casting ethereal white light about the lawn.

Mourning dove calls, as they drift into bird-sleep,

The bats that dart and whizz and

Catch mouthfuls of twinkling, glimmering stars.

On the water, ducks bob and weave, their feathers misted with Night.

A deep, and bright moon casts itself upon water,

Admiring its image, no doubt.

Crickets play to please the night spirits,

Whose wandering ways bring the blessed Night breeze.

The gentle fingers of which, blow through the few brave open windows.

This secret rustle in the moonlit curtains,

Of the blissfully sleeping ones.

But all too soon,

Magic disperses.

Rabbits appear and the owls call their final inquisitions.

Dew drops cast the human call of sunrise and burst into the fiery sun-rainbow.

The layers of darkness are shed,

To reveal only the hums once again.

Surface into Suburbia now, again.

Night has crept away.

Leaving behind only evaporations

Of its previous adventures and accounts.

Careful to leave no true trace,

To let no humans figure out

The magic held within

When street lamps buzz and flicker,

And the clock ticks by more slowly.

When the breeze checks in on those who sleep.

The End. Goodnight. I love you.

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