Some days are splendid in that simply swell sort of way.
Nothing too fancy, nothing to glitzy.
Just some fantastic people,
Wonderful adventures.
And chariot racing on skateboards.
Do you want proof as to how crazy school has made me?
This morning, amidst my sleepiness,
I FORGOT my essay I had to turn in today.
Yes, FORGOT it.
My worst nightmare was unfolding in front of me.
So what's one to do, at school, essayless...
With the power of an automobile and fifteen minutes on hand?
That's right, I grabbed my dear friend,
Sprinted to my car, and made a frantic, panicked drive back to my house,
Praying I wouldn't be late.
There was traffic, speeding, and some none-too-pleasant vocabulary involved.
Plus ten minutes of tardiness.
(Partly due to the fact that there were ZERO. ZERO! parking spots upon our return...)
But it was ok.
Because the essay was turned in, intact and cleanly typed.
And guess what.
Apparently we weren't even counted as tardy.
But even more splendid were the simple joys of
A giddy bunch of toga-clad Latin-nerds traipsing about,
Performing skits (I was a man-eating horse!), throwing discus,
And racing skateboard-chariots.
Nothing beats such a thing.
And then I proceeded to spend three + hours in a supermarket
With my best friend.
On a Thursday night,
Buying Poptarts and laughing at nothing in particular.
Who knew Thursdays could be so grand?
(Every time I use the word 'grand', I think about how Holden Caulfield hates that word)
And now for sleeping!
The perfect ending to a swell day, am I right?
By the way,
I love you.
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