
We Are Nowhere and It's Now

"I love sleep. My life has a tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?"
-Ernest Hemingway
You know.
The more I think of taking a 
gap year, the more appealing the
entire idea becomes? 

The idea of being a little free
for a little while.
Of having the independence
to go.
And do.
And meet people.
And have a little fun
and see some new sights.
Before I go off to learn more
bookish things.

To be able to travel
while I am young and 
very much alive.
Before I am crushed up
and swooshed around
this country full of mess
in the workforce
and taxpaying majority.

A chance to see
And Turkey.
And India.
And South America.

A chance to travel America.
And to write.
And to see.
With my own eyes,
what there is to be seen.
To acquire new perspectives
and gather new ideas.

Not to slack off.
Not to sit at home.
Not to get a job.

I want to get out of this godforsaken place.
I want to be somewhere new.

There is not enough money.
There is not enough time.

And I know I am heading towards an
imminent and terrifying doom.
I have to stop this before it
goes too far.

But I see a lot of
nothing in my future.

I see a lack of fulfillment.
I'm scared the world will not live up
to its expectations, nor will I.

I am deathly afraid of 
personal failure.
What happens when I get stuck 
What happens when I am poor?
What to do 
when I can see my life 
bottoming out before me?

I want to crawl into bed 
and sleep until I can retire.

Oh wait.
That's never going to happen.

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