
Memories of Jacqueline 1906

I want to break it all
apart and understand what it means.

To crack open its bones
and the cosmos
and have it all come raining
in a great thunderstorm 
over my head,
and it will christen me with
some new wisdom,
some knowledge 
which will make things
easier to comprehend.

Because I don't understand
nearly anything in my life.
I know this,
but don't accept it.

it's not as though I am 
asking for world peace
or a new car, 
I am asking for a way
to get to school on
my day off without
having to drag my brother
in too.

I think I'm asking for something
reasonable, and possibly
even considerate.

Don't act like it's such a pain
in your ass.

There are worse things in life
than having to send your kid
to his friend's house for a few hours.


I'm really not feeling
this new arrangement.

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