
Holland Tunnel

Sometimes one just happens to have
awesomeness liberally peppered into
a short period of time.
And you're all "This should be a regular thing."
I thoroughly enjoy times like that,
splendid 48-hour time spans
that are awesome.

Things like totally acing
your really dumb health exam,
and being done with the class.

Like seeing him, and talking
for oh, like two and a half hours.
Because he's awesome, of course.

Like being with your splendid friends
and then talking in ridiculous fifties slang
with them, because your friends
are totally "fine dinners" and "hep cats"
(Yeah, 'hep', one letter from 'hip', same meaning.)

Like making pasta and dressing pretty
and having a really rad gathering of
carb-eating loveliness.

And watching "Crybaby" and laughing
hysterically when Johnny Depp rips
open his shirt and yells about the electric chair.
That film is sort of ridiculous, very funny.

Baking cupcakes and trying to shut up a
dog. Reading trashy magazines,
and eating more pasta at 5 am,
then learning that your friend's name
is part of "bathroom" in Indonesian.

Things can be rad.
It's good when they are.
It reminds you of why you're still
actually functioning.

And yeah.

I missed his laugh way more than I thought.

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