The Broken Umbrella collapsed
and sputtered in the summer storm.
Those frightful metal limbs flailing
toward the heavens, begging redemption
for this new condition. This disease
wracking scrawny arms and bending them
in contortionistically pretzel-like ways.
It wheezes and puffs up, the black nylon
lizard, rearing its neck spines in all
manner of directions.
The dripping puddles at its feet
sound like jingling laughter
as echoes play on the drain pipes,
twinkle metallically in the gutters.
The sick animal claws the streets
and blows down the alleyway
with a swift kick from the winds,
a taunting jab not unlike
those given by school-child bullies.
The Umbrella sits in a pool of
chilly afternoon rain,
coughing as it flaps its forlorn
wings like the bird it is not,
awkwardly reaching to the clouds,
metal spindly fingers grasping
to rise up and
into a dome again.
It remembers what it feels like to be
Now I can complain, knowing that at least I have given you something.
This is as vain as one can be, but I must say it at least once.
I want to be skinny.
Like really, horribly bad.
And people are always preaching that
"love your body" shit.
How can I even consider that when
all the cute clothes stop at size what, 10?
How can I love my body when even the girls
in the commercials about that shit are a size fucking 6.
I know why people become anorexic,
I can totally understand that.
It's media pressure,
it's your own pressure,
it's peers and everyone else.
I get it.
And don't tell,
but I sometimes wish I had the guts
to start fasting and
exercising like a crazed person.
I try.
I swear, some part of me is making a conscious effort.
It's just not showing.
And sometimes I get frustrated because of these things
and I'll eat the bad stuff you shouldn't eat,
I'll try very hard to try harder.
It's no fun being fat.
I can speak from experience.
You don't look good in anything,
you hate seeing photos of yourself,
you don't even like looking in the mirror.
I envy the girls who love their bodies.
I also envy the skinny people, naturally.
And it fills me up with frustration and anguish.
I don't try hard enough.
I've got to put more effort into it.
But I've got nobody to hold me to it.
my will bends too easily.
I don't think I shall ever be skinny.
My smallest hope is that I will someday be ok
with that knowledge.
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