I've lost things.
Like scattered scarves
flinging themselves out of an
old suitcase, popped open on the dusty road,
dropped from the top of a dirty station wagon.
The colors have all flown away,
pretty balloons with my once-thoughts
snug in their helium centers.
Not unlike what it is to bite into chocolate
and find it full of raspberry,
it is like this when I once had thoughts.
When my thinking was free-form swimming
in the olympic-sized swimming pool
my brain was held, a frazzled and wary
YMCA. It is a puddle now, I would suppose,
drying on the side of the same lonesome road
from which the scarves have wriggled away from.
I admire the colors they once turned and the
spectacular bursts of hazy light-play
that dappled new spring leaves,
I had thoughts that embodied this.
I could taste the bitter young tea plants
on my tongue as I thought like steam.
In seeing for miles, there no fields of tea leaves,
no balloons hanging in the sky,
suspended as thought by fishing line.
There are no scarves with patterns and
sun shining through like early morning curtains.
There are dusty shoes and locked suitcases
to which I have lost the key.
There is my hourglass which somebody
has glued to the table and it ticks off the
grains until there are no more in the day
and I cannot flip it over myself.
My thoughts run like rivers to the sea
where I am not, nor ever shall be it would seem.
And what is this avant-garde pair of scissors
and roll of tape I am so consciously searching for?
What will this do to make amends with the running away of things?
The carrying off of these standard desires, to think thoughts
manifested by the necessity of poetry.
Like a painter paints to live,
through his art he is whole,
so it is with these poets who write to
make sense and to think clearly,
to make something, and themselves whole
and fulfilled. Like a full canvas,
a full poem makes the heart go numb.
What is the purpose of writing only to write?
To prove there are words on this page,
to prove that somewhere something was written,
though it may be absurdly abstracted and awful.
And so my work has been of late
in this place where I have no thoughts,
nothing has been able to be thought.
I want to write for the sake of writing,
I need to feel something stir in my soul,
and sometimes (most times, really) I can.
This great sighing heave of relief and fresh air.
Like I have awoken from drowning and have surfaced
the sea and taken in the good salty air.
But sometimes I remain lying flat on the sandy bottom
of where I drowned, once.
When writing becomes only writing.
Ceases to be my own true blood and mind
dashed out on the blank white space,
it turns up in black ink,
not red blood as it really should.
Properly, I would bleed out my words
direct from my soul.
If I could still feel correctly on a regular basis.
Sometimes these tenants in my heart forget
to pay their heating bill, electricity bill
and it all gets off and goes dark
and I am as lost as they are.
We fumble in the dark for some switch
that we turn on and off repeatedly,
though we know nothing will happen,
even if I found money for the bills
for the tenants in my heart.
With some post-modern glue
and a post-structuralist piece of paper
I might correctly fashion
something like what I am trying to say,
through this rambling sea of mess.
What I guess it comes down to,
on a basic level is,
I have forgotten how to think,
and I'm not sure how to fix that.
I have run out of supplies temporarily
to keep my brain's functions intact.
I have lost all scarves and balloons,
I must go and buy new ones
to shove in new suitcases as
we go bumping down this horribly dusty road;
you ought to roll the windows up, dear,
or the dust will get in your eyes.
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