
Do Be Do Be (The Kurt Vonnegut Song)

It's amusing to me that people
write songs about that guy.
Here's a shockingly crass opinion:
I don't like him.

There I go, disturbing the
literature gurus and gods,
but seriously,
I don't like him.
And now he's dead
(for several years now)
"So it goes".
So it fucking goes.

In short:
I finished "Slaughterhouse Five"
and hope I never touch his work

But, onward, I suppose,
no use dwelling in his
dead satirical mess.

Go watch "The Breakfast Club"
if you haven't before.
If you have,
go watch it again.

I never cease to be amazed
with this movie.
Possibly my favorite.
Of all time.
It's perfect.

The best coming-of-age film ever.

and you know how you find fantastic pieces of advice
all the time, like on the internet, in books, etc?
It's all so great, inspiring, etc.
But it's even better when someone actually
tells you things,
gives you advice
(that isn't even so much advice,
as just really great words)
I'm so glad I learned that.

I'm so glad
there are people
with nice words.

"It will happen and you will be fine and life will go on"
yes indeed.

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