
Lessons Learned

How many nine year-olds
can you claim to know
that sing
"Video Killed the Radio Star"
in the shower?
Only the cool kids,
and in particular
the really rad one named

This kid also watches the music video
for said song on the first hour of Mtv
ever aired. Everyday.

I'm guessing you're impressed,
because guess what?

You should be.

In the nine years he's been on this planet
(who knows where he was before that,
probably rocking out with past legends.)
I have come to basically love this
scrawny white kid I am proud to call
my relative. It's rad to have a brother this rad.
No joke.

I mean really,
we rock out to
Matt and Kim
in the car,
we play tennis together
and have picnics.
We dance like we're having seizures
and invent new games
with koosh balls and pizza boxes.
We also become transformers sometimes.
No lie.

And I can honestly say,
that there's nobody else in the world
I'd rather do these things with,
and seriously,
who else does these things?

I like to think we are a
super-sibling duo,
fighting crime,
being a family band,
saving the world,
all that jazz.
All while pretending the floor
is hot lava.

And not only is he just plain cool,
he's actually a nice kid.
Genuinely nice.
He buys me jewelry for Christmas
with hearts on them,
and writes me letters when they
do those at school.

So this is for my brother,
who I don't think gets enough credit
for his awesomeness.
Because dude,
you're rad!

I like my brother.
We're pretty good friends,
and I think that means a lot.

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