
The Fairest of the Seasons

I had a horrible dream
where you cut open
your wrist and bled onto 
the floor and all across the
linoleum and fell unconscious
and bled and bled.

You needed 37 stitches 
to fix your arm,
which would have a big long
scar on it now. 

I had been the one to find you,
and I screamed and screamed
and had to hope you wouldn't die.
I rode with you in an ambulance
and held your other hand the 
entire way to the hospital
and cried.

You were going to be ok
physically. They put you on 
drugs and you were not yourself
you were a silent small thing
I had never known. The most depressed
I had ever seen.I stayed the whole
time you were in the hospital,
I held your hand
and sometimes you would wake from
the drug-induced sleep and you would
talk so quietly. And cry.
You cried. And my heart broke to pieces.

It was the worst sort of nightmarish dream.
The clearest and most terrifying ones.
It was horrible.

1 comment:

Lily said...

:O That's horrible. Who?