My new year
is off to a good start.
I'm watching movies with
the guy I like
and it's going to be fun.
I'm excited.
So, to try to hold myself to
my resolutions,
I will put them up here,
so the world knows.
-Write more. Everyday like you did in 2011.
Anything, everything.
Even if it sucks, because you have to write a lot
before anything good is written.
-Work out more. More than once a week like
you have been. Go for twice a week. Be able
to run that mile without stopping.
-Watch what you eat. Be healthy. Work at it
harder than you did this year.
-Be kind, but firm. Know your limits,
work within them, but be good to those
around you.
-Get happy. This depends more on your
brain chemistry than pretty much everything else,
but you can still try. Try to get off your meds.
-Get motivated again. Again, not sure if this is a consequence
of Depression, but you can try.
-Regret nothing. Go for it. Be adventurous. Let yourself go
and be free.
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