
Femme Fatale

"My dear,
You see, it isn't you,
It's always me,
And in some way,
I think we might want to stop
Our charading.
Our midnight masked
Phone calls,
And our Sunday Mornings
Full of sleep.
I see now,
That you and I,
Are two beings,
Two entities,
Who exist in separate places,
At different times.
You are one half of the jigsaw
That isn't mine.
Amidst the other pieces,
Brightly colored.
Mine, pale."

An interesting way to begin.
An off-the-cuff sort of poem.
None of which is true.

I wrote a post about him.
Then I deleted it.
Because whatever I say ends up sounding stupid.

Don't I have better things to think of?

I'd assume not.

No, no,
I've succumbed to that weird ailment that strikes down all of us stupidly weak-hearted ones,
And makes us sort of lie there convulsing on the floor.
We all look so pathetic, squirming around.
How sadistic of me.

The boy on the television is wearing Buddy Holly glasses and is playing what looks like a Gretsch Hollowbody.
He has a decent voice.
Total hipster.

Buddy Holly sang "Dearest".

Which always reminds me of "All I Want Is You"
Thought they're quite different,
And that song always reminds me of him.
"If you were an ocean, I'd learn to float."
My favorite line.

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