
Gimme Some Truth

I enjoy frivolity.

My entire life could be deemed frivolous,
But what I mean is
Doing those things you really oughtn't do,
And enjoying every picturesque moment of it.
Doing what you so please, doing it up so it's like the films,
Laughing in the face of whoever pissed you off today.

I sometimes love getting an air of snobby-authority.
Once in a while it's good to just let yourself go egotist for a few hours.
In the safety and privacy of your own home, of course.

And by frivolous and egotistical,
I wasted three hours of my life doing nothing
That would please anybody.
I cranked up my new Velvet Underground vinyl,
Grabbed three books of poetry and completely vegged.

Then came my brilliantly strange idea.
I would go picturesque,
So I drew myself a bubble bath
And read Whitman and ate some chocolate.
In the bath.
It was lovely, I won't lie.

It's nice to just screw the world and go on your merry way,
If only for a moment.

And this all sounds like silly pish-posh,
But what shall I do?

Have you ever watched any of Andy Warhol's films?
I'd say you should,
But you probably shouldn't.
They're strange and I don't quite understand what he was going for.
I'm not sure why he slowed down the ridiculous amount of film he had of the Empire State Building.
I'm just not sure about him.

He was certainly interesting,
And I like his art.
He liked cats and was gay, apparently.
He introduced Nico to the Velvet Underground.
He did a lot.
He was crazy.
I like him.

There are three oranges in a bowl in front of me,
With four bananas.
And they're all in the earliest stages of rotting,
The bananas have the speckled skin
And the oranges are becoming mushy.
Everyday they sit here,
They die a little more.
Until they are eaten.
Then, They're gone.

Are people like this?
Rotting a little everyday?
Until we are finally swallowed up,
By something bigger?

Is everyday we live a day where we were dying as well?
Or do we live up until the very moment that we stop breathing permanently?

Is this a "glass half full" type of question?

My glass simply has liquid somewhere else.
Or maybe it's full of Five Alive and everyone else measures in orange juice?
Can we all measure our glasses in different things?
Could mine be iced tea, and yours could be grape juice?
Someone else's a shot glass of vodka?

This is obviously an apples to oranges comparison, folks.
Why must we all insist on half-full and half-empty?
Can't the glasses all be different?
Can't the liquids be different?
Can't we all be individuals, not tied down to a half-half measurement?
Why is the world trying so hard to be cut-and-dry,
When nothing is so simple?

I sometimes think that nothing is known for sure,
We're all just going on a relative, opinion based theory.
Because who really knows if it's 2:09 pm, as opposed to 2:11?
And who knows the worth of anything?
Why do we kid ourselves?
Is it simply to feel powerful?
Are we all just looking for our next high?
Our next "Aha!" moment, or paramount achievement?

If so,
We could all be stoned and this world would work better.

But we don't like that,
So it isn't that way.

I'm never sure how things are supposed to work.
There truly isn't a single way to do anything.
What's the phrase...
"There're a hundred ways to skin a cat"?
Gruesome, but true.

I've run out of things to say.
Not really,
But nothing that can even remotely tie to any of this is coming to mind.


Goodnight, I propose.
Goodnight and adieu.

I love you.

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