The entirety of which is caving in.
And the edges, oh dear,
They're fading to black.
And it hurts more than I can say.
More than pins, needles, and a spinal tap.
If you knew, please,
I know you know
That I'm here for you.
Text me, call me,
Come over.
I'm here
And we can talk and it'll be ok.
And it would just ram the dagger further into my heart if you didn't show
For the party.
And I feel,
That things tear us a part so completely,
And it's you
That I worry about losing.
Nobody else,
But you.
And dear god,
I couldn't live with myself if I ever offended you
Or hurt you
Like I know you're hurting now.
It's so cowardice to say these things in a blog post.
But what can I do?
Oh, what can I do?
I'm not good at these things,
I say the wrong words and do the wrong things.
So this is my feeble, fumbling attempt.
To say, "Hey
I still love you. I'm still here for you.
And it'll get better."
Because things always turn to face the sun,
And I know, it's Ohio, and the sun isn't an everyday-guarantee,
But it'll come around, and I just swear to you,
Things will be peachy.
And I need you, so desperately need you to know this.
And I love you,
My best friend.
I know things get dicey,
And people can really suck,
But people can also be lovely.
And things can also be great.
I don't want to say
"Cheer up."
I want to say
"Let it work itself out,
And don't turn away from those who love you."
That's why we're here, hun.
We can help,
And I swear to you,
We'll be here.
I'll be your bridge over troubled water.
And please don't forget that.
It's all I can do,
To be here.
So if you turn to me,
Or any of your friends, who love you dearly,
We won't turn away.
I just don't want it to get worse.
Nobody deserves to feel that way.
Especially not you.
And I hope
You understand.
And I hope
You'll feel a little better.
Call me.
Text me.
Wake me up at three in the morning.
It's what I'm here for.
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