
Corner of Your Heart

I made that thing up there, and then realized it simply wouldn't fit as the title thing for this blog.
Which, really, is unacceptable.
But I am no tech whiz, nor graphic web designer.

I was thinking of making a Picasa album and linking it to the blog.
Just to put all the random, spiffy photos and things I happen upon, right?

Nothing to write home about.

Just needed to say something.


Bangin' On My Door

At night,
You become this fixture of my imagination,
The chandelier light to my mind.
And you burn so fiercely there,
You distant and pretty thing.
Why at night to do you burn so horribly bright?

Is it loneliness that draws you forth from my mind,
Or is it my late-night vulnerability that beckons you to
The forefront?
As I lie in bed and conjure thoughts
Of you,
What causes it?
You are these fleeting bird-like thoughts
Any other time of day.
But at night you are there,
And so I wonder,

It seems that often,
You are close enough to me at night
That I can hear you breathing softly,
Sleeping near.
But this is strange and foreign,
And I don't like how it sounds when I type it.
You are not fitting into the words right.

Thoughts meander and prevent sleep,
And yet lull it closer,
Your quiet voice stuck in my head,
A whisper of you in my night-thoughts.

Often I imagine you sleeping,
So soundly,
And it seems so awful.
But it's not.

I imagine you all groggy from sleep in the pale mornings.

And I soon fall asleep in my thoughts.

Sometimes to dream of why it's not right.
And last night,
Through snippets of dream,
I became more thoroughly disheartened than usual.
You have a girl who most likely knows how you sleep
And hears your quiet voice at night.
She is probably wonderful.
And I am happy that you have a girl like that.

I really am, actually.

While I fall into dreams



Is how I am feeling as of 12:31 am.
The very birth of a Saturday
Is happening now,
All shrouded in Friday night's
Revelry, sleeplessness,
And for some, the drunkenness.

And so I am holding the infant day
In my quaking hands
As my eyelids threaten to collapse and cut me off
From this reality
Into some sphere and discourse that is not my own,
Propelled forward by dreams.

I am afraid to touch the day,
This helpless,
Livid thing.
I am unawares as to how to treat
This daily rebirth.
Although I live through it often,
I am usually blissfully oblivious to the fact
That a new day has begun.

And we must leave behind the old day,
All the feelings and events and mishaps.
"Absurdities" as Thoreau put them.
Now, it is Saturday.

I am in the mood to stare listlessly at a pink-tinged horizon,
And carpe diem,
Living each moment is better than dying each moment.
But I feel so constricted.

I do not feel whole.

If the air was warm,
I would stay up, early into the morning,
And greet the dawn in an attempt to make myself feel whole again.
Somehow, I feel so utterly alive in the fresh, warm air at dawn.
With dew on the lawns and the sun catching on the dewdrops to reflect in
Some spectacular show of light.
Something to make me silent,
So perplexedly happy.

But it is winter and I am torn,
Torn and nearing the end of my day,
As this new one begins.
I will blindly sleep into the day,
And wake up feeling
Once again.

The highs
Always lead to
The lows.

And somehow I have been
Utterly crushed.
Ruined and afraid.
Afraid to write and sing and speak
And look at the world with my own eyes.
Seeing things for only what they seem.

My heart has been momentarily torn from my chest,
And it beats alone, as I flounder for air,
For purpose.
Until it will finally return to me.
And I won't be so afraid, as I am, momentarily.

And while I am underwater,
Deaf and bleeding from where my heart did breathe,
And shall go on breathing,
The pressure is devastating.
I am not all that I wish to be.
All that I seem.
Or may desire.

'Truths' fall heavily from the sky
Like stricken birds,
And plunge into me, underwater.

Everything is not what it seems.

Perhaps it's my sleepiness.
It could be the weather
Or the very lame film I just watched.

But I'm very sure that something somehow shifted
And made me feel partially empty.
Lacking and cold.

And dear one,
Distant star on the never-ending horizon,
So far that I will never, ever catch you.
But why is it so?
That we all grasp so desperately for
What we cannot have.
The one thing out of my reach,
Is the one thing I pine after.
"Love is a sickness, full of woe".
How horribly sad.



Surprisingly enough,
I hate talking about poetry in school.
Something about it does not feel right.
Some sterile element
Is added
To this feral art form.

Some part of it is killed softly,
And I'm not sure which part,
Or how, for that matter.

But I know, that somehow
It feels wrong.
This poetry-lesson-class-thing.
Something is amiss.
It may be the force of the act.
People that despise poetry
Are forced into reading,
Analyzing it.
I don't know why this happens.
Because I don't think it brings them to enjoy poetry more.

I'm not sure about any of this.
I am only sure
Of my uncertainty.

And I'm not crazy about analyzing poetry to death.
More often than not in my mind,
Poetry is written with an emotion.
Everything that spawns from that becomes words.
And while people say you shouldn't write at the height of an emotion
(I agree with this to an extent)
There's still emotion.
Sure, it's whatever we want to make up.
There are no right answers here.

And I don't want to sound arrogant and pretentious
(I do, but screw it)
But why can't we just let it be?
Just soak up the emotion,
Admire the way the words sound,
What feelings they stir up for each reader.

There is nothing more intriguing
Than receiving feedback from a reader.
Nonverbal, verbal, whatever.
It's awesome.
I prefer nonverbal.

But I am so totally unsure of poetry
in school.
I really don't know.

Part of me wants to be difficult
And to just throw caution to the wind
And do what I feel is right.
But that makes me feel awful.
What do I know about poetry?
What do I know about anything?

Why do I always sound snobbish and pretentious
When I talk about what I love?

Why do I say things like that?

Because I do love it.
But it's some internal battle
Some war with no end in sight.
And I am lost,
Utterly lost in my thoughts.
Beyond belief.

I believe in poetry.

And I guess that's all that matters.


Sea Ghost

Thank you, once again, my dear, for creeping into my poems.
You are quite silly in doing so, but I hope you at least find this flattering somehow,
Though I don't think you'll ever read this one.

Nature and Man

He looks small,

Curved against the outline

Of blue sky,

And brick wall.

Blurring at the


Where man

Fades to Earth.


Mother nature

Colored outside of the lines,

And you can see where

The color of winter wheat

Melds with his


The pale blush

Of sunset


On features so unfamiliar

To myself.


But I can see,

That the Earth

Knows his curves,

No mystery in him

Is shrouded from

The eyes of the trees

And the sea.


The night sky,

Dripping with stars,

Bends to kiss his lips,

In a gentle curve,

Eyes skyward,

The wind's fingers

Ruffling through

His hair,

My own fingers

Burning with a blind envy,

Against the Thing,

That bore him unto Earth,

Wherefore I may admire

His starry-blue gaze.

Pure Morning

Tomorrow we return to your normally scheduled broadcasting.
Also known as "Learning in a controlled environment".
This means an end to the homework-less days,
Of hanging out after school,
And care-freely doing nothing of significance.
I hate to see it go.

I miss playing my electric guitar already.
The first string snapped off of it yesterday and smacked my hand
And scared me,
And I don't trust myself to restring the thing.
It's already bothering me that it doesn't have one string on.
Is that going to drastically effect the pressure placed on the neck?
I feel like a total newb.
I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing.
Poor guitar,
Placed very ill-advisedly into my caretaking.

There's not a thing wrong with my very-old acoustic,
It's just
The strings are awfully bulky and bright
In comparison to the smooth and mellow electric strings.
It's bothering me.

Enough, enough.
It seemed I has something to say,
Something of significance, perhaps?
I doubt it.

I am now severely questioning
How deep my poetry is.
It all seems very surface-level, I'm just barely skimming the surface
Of the lake that is poetry.
My rock is skipping madly across the surface.

How can I manipulate human emotion in poetry?
How can poetry manipulate human emotion?

I was reading some work today,
And the back cover stated that the authors stopped writing at 19.
Yet he had produced a beautiful piece about life. Human life,
It was called "A Season in Hell"
I want to read the whole thing.

I also want, desperately, in fact, to make my mediocre work
Into something
And 'true'.
By 'true',
I mean true to the art and whatever the subject is.
It's hard to explain what I wish to gain here.

Have a (probably mediocre) poem:

The Expedition

In the countryside,

Lurks a barren sea.

Green waving blades,

Tickled by the sunshine.


As along the waves we walk,

Completely lost in the winds,

And the changing tide

As crickets ricochet

Off the flying tendrils

Of green sea,

Singing a quiet

Sea shanty,

That we, too, whistle

As we are carried off

In the sea.


The sky above the only break from

The rolling green,

That mocks us,

As if to say

We are not sailors,

But botanists.

In a boat

Not fit to sail the white waves.

But a boat made to sail

In the meadows.



Blue and purple,


In our hair,

Crowns of dead sea creatures,

The spoils of our expedition,

As we roll along the hills.


I crown you king of sea and air,

As you steer our course north-westernly.

Slicing through the grappling blades,


Slick again in the morning fog.

So green is our only horizon,

Us botanist-sailors

Tromp through the knee-high


Watching for slithering companions

On the sandy floor.

Ripples from the surface,

Carried down.


At last, we come to see a shoal,

A harbour for our safety.

I lay down my butterfly-whaling net,

And you lie down in the dunes,

As we watch the sky pass,

Surrounded by the country's sea,

Shimmering silvery underneath

Cloudless, endless domain.

You and I,

Conquerers of the sea.


I Was Born (A Unicorn)

Whipped out a two and a half page story today. It's been months since I've written any short fiction. It seems depressing, but really, it isn't supposed to.


In the middle of the street, at the corner of Fifth and Cherry, sat Franz. He sat cross-legged on the hot pavement, right at the intersection itself- far enough from the corner that turning cars could not see him until it seemed too late. There was a breeze, this Wednesday morning, a cool one in March. It ruffled through Franz’s thick black hair, and tickled his nose, but he didn’t mind the current, it kept him company in the street.


At times, people on the sidewalk stopped to look at him, this forlorn-looking man, impossibly far from the safe confines of the walkways. As it was a Wednesday, the only people about were men in sharp, angular suits, bustling to different offices with shining briefcases. These men only stole short glances at Franz. Franz looked back at them, his gaze focused on their faces, which were generally round and red. Franz wondered why the men walked so briskly, why their faces were so grotesquely red. Were they angry with themselves? Once Franz called out to one of them, in a navy suit with shining shoes. The man did not so much as look Franz’s way. And so Franz never asked again.


The other curious specimen Franz watched were the mothers that strolled by at a lesser pace, some pushing prams as they walked, others held tightly to their toddlers hands. More than once Franz met the gaze of one of the short individuals, he smiled a greeting each time, met usually by glossy-eyed confusion. What was this grown man doing in the street? Why was he not at work? Did his mother know what he was up to? The mothers would notice, and quickly pull their dear ones away, tsk-tsking them as to the dangers of strangers and playing in the streets.You’ll get hit by a car, you know. The words always echoed in Franz’s direction.


Only one of occasion, in all of the five hours that Franz sat, did someone ask him if he was alright. A small Chinese woman, with salt-and-pepper hair gripped his arm in alarm. Her gleaming red fingernails matched her lipstick, Franz noted as she spoke in broken English, obviously worried for his health. “You sit in street? Why? Why you sit? Sick? Fever? Go to hospital! I take you there!”


Franz shook his head, looking at the woman’s deep brown eyes. “No, ma’am. I’m fine, thank you, though. Perfectly alright.” And the woman walked slowly away, looking at Franz over her shoulder several times before she turned the street.


That had been at nine am, two hours after Franz had first sat down. Three hours after Franz had woken up that morning, the windows of his apartment had been open all night, letting in the chilly air and night sounds of the city. Franz had awoken smiling, a feat which rarely happened, as he usually had crippling nightmares, which he had only recently discovered were actually just distorted images of his life. But today would be splendid, and Franz knew this. So his smile continued, though he felt like a fool, all through his typical routine(Or, typical since Franz had lost his job two months ago). He gently dropped the cat, who responded with a gruff cry, off of the bed and pulled his glasses from the nightstand. He shuffled to the bathroom and vigorously brushed the night off his breath (something his previous girlfriend had demanded he do, and though she was gone, it left a lasting impression on him). Downing two cups of coffee, black with three sugars, he read the daily newspaper, cover to cover. All of the horrific tales of suicide bombings, recession woes, and even the rather satirical comics.


Franz knew today was the day. Despite it felt like any other day, despite he was smiling, Franz knew if it was not today, it would just follow him through tomorrow, and then Friday, and Franz would be forced to deal with this looming monstrosity for the rest of his life. He thought of this, and shuddered as he pulled on his jeans and a rumpled t-shirt that he found on the floor; he was sure it was at least slightly clean, though.


And he then sat down at the kitchen table once again, armed with a pen and piece of college-ruled notebook paper.

The paper now lay heavily in his pocket, folded in fourths. Somehow, Franz was more intimidated of his words on the paper now, than he was when he wrote it hours ago. He looked up at the blue sky, littered with see-through clouds that hung in the sky without moving. These were Franz’s favorite type of cloud, he decided, as he looked upwards. He saw the skyscrapers etched against the domed blue, they seemed to stagger inwards, about to topple and fall onto his crouching form. He remembered how the cat would stare at the sky and bat at the clouds, much too fat out of his tiny reach. He had called his friend, Marissa, and told her that he had decided to take a trip to visit his parents in Indiana for a week or two, and that he’d love for her to feed the cat and gather his mail while he was away. She was all too glad to oblige, telling Franz over and over how it was a lovely idea to get out of the city. Marissa knew Franz well, but not well enough to see through his lie. But at least he wouldn’t have to worry about the apartment.


Franz ran his hands through his hair again, it was becoming rather warm outside, especially down by the pavement, and he was starting to sweat. He wasn’t sure which was going to be better, sitting or lying down. He lay down, just to stretch for a moment, his eyes closed and a faint smile turning the corners of his mouth upward.

He felt the whoosh of the car, heard the slight squeak of the tires as they rounded the corner. And he smiled outright. The last thing he heard was an audible gasp from somewhere to his left. Before all went silent and the sharp pain in his spine dulled, until it was gone.


Franz’s form lay crumpled and bloodied in the street as the driver of the blue Lexus got out of the car, and screamed at the ghastly sight. She fell to his side, crying, “No, no…” She shook him gently, her fingers getting covered in Franz’s blood. “No, you aren’t dead… wake up, you’ve got to be alright… Franz… wake up. Franz… oh my god, Franz!” Her voice escalated to shrill scream. “Why did you do this, Franz!? Why!?”


An hour later, and Franz was in the back of the coroner’s van, the signature white sheet tossed over him haphazardly, his feet showing from under it. But he didn’t mind, he had always hated covering his feet, it made them feel trapped. The coroner had taken the note from his pocket, and after having read it twice, he handed it to the poor woman who had hit him- his ex-girlfriend, the tooth-brushing one. She took the paper and unfolded it.


It was blank.


Is There a Ghost

You know those impossible dreams
That we entertain in our heads,
Though we know they're preposterous?

You know that passion
(I hate the term, but for lack of a better one...)
That people have
For what they love?

You know how sometimes those get combined?

That just sort of re-happened for me.
I've dreamt of being a published writer
For a long time.
Five years or so?
But back then,
I wrote fiction.
(Really crappy fiction.)
((My fiction has since then become better))
And now,
I write poetry almost exclusively.

And now I have the insatiable desire
To publish.
It's one of those tortuous dreams
That you can't ignore.
It nags.
It finds ways of manifesting itself very realistically.

I have
16, 451 words.
138 pages.
From less than a year.

If I keep up this one-poem-a-day thing,
I'll have a ton of material.
A ton of publishable material?

It's another stupid fantasy I have.
I just can't shake it.
It lives in my subconscious,
Fed by a steady supply of my work.
It lives right next door to my unnerving love for a silly boy.
And they seem to be pretty chummy.

Two silly dreams,
That I constantly entertain.

Could one sixteen year-old girl,
Put together a book of poetry?

No, I could not.
Nobody would publish me.
Society will tell you this.

So I guess,
I wait.
And let it nag at me until I can no longer stand
To deal with it.

138 pages.
