
This Time

It is nighttime.
With stars.
And silence
So deep and treacherous
Is the crevasse of emptiness.
It goes unchallenged.
And the chasm grows deeper.
I am not sure
Why we hide ourselves behind
Beautiful masks.
Other than to shield us from
I don't like what I see
When I look into the glass,
Greeted only by a grey face
With greyer eyes.
Washed out by the sea.
I am not aware of the reason
Behind this,
I don't know why
I feel like a heartless
I guess,
That perhaps,
I may be
That ugly word
That one word
That nobody has called me,
But myself.
Because who knows me better than

And the words don't align like they ought to.
But I cannot untangle them in my mind.
They are some pile of broken string,
Just tossed together.
I don't know.
But the words don't feel right.
But they're all that I've got.

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