I never thought,
That as one who attends school,
I would find a snow day to be disappointing.
But alas, the day has come.
Delaware City Schools-
*Exasperated groan*
And that's how my day began.
The worst-planned snow day ever.
Now this four day weekend,
Leaves exams tottering over our heads.
And I am holed up in the house.
It's just too damn cold outside,
I could hardly stand to shovel the walk.
Needs to redeem itself greatly.
And you know you've been reading too many of your mother's fashion magazines,
When you spend 45 minutes getting dressed.
And you end up in
That one 'dress' (It's way too short to qualify as a real dress)
That has hung in the back of the closet for, literally,
Just to sit around on a Friday afternoon.
But that dress,
That I've worn
Before today.
Has some sort of lame story.
I bought it for like, twelve dollars,
And it was a lovely dress.
Still is, of course.
But I,
I was not lovely enough for the dress.
It hardly fit.
(Go figure)
And so today,
I put on my jeans
And one of those tank tops that sucks it all in,
And gingerly buttoned
Of the buttons,
And none of them puckered
An intense amount.
Practically a miracle.
Somebody call the vatican, yo.
(Catholic joke, right? Haha.)
So despite the fact it's a really lame day
Thus far, at least,
At least I'm wearing a nice dress-tunic-thing.
How vain this all is.
Ahh, well.
What can you do?
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