

Teen angst
Is a myth.
Just like unicorns and dragons.
It does not exist
Except in the minds of the adults
That label teenagers as being 'angsty'.

It simply makes it easier for adults to
Dismiss the feelings of teenagers.
It is the excuse to say "oh, it's only your hormones".
Our emotions are not valid to you?
Are they so different from your own?
Do you suddenly stop having hormones at some age?
I think not.

Why do adults continue to label us
And laugh at our emotions?

Some mornings I wake up and think
"I'm a teenager. This sucks."
Age is no reason to discredit people.

All of this "Suppressed angst" nonsense
Can really drive one into the ground.
I dislike the feeling.
Of being plowed into the ground because
I am 16 years old.

It's a limit that I can't transcend.

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