In your own life.
To know that, while you aren't a slave,
Your life does not belong solely to you.
There are decisions to be made
By me.
But the higher ups
They said "No, no, no
This cannot be."
And screwed me over.
So I am not my own person.
I have no decisions to make.
And when even the people who
"Support" you turn you down,
What else can be done?
I'm still standing on this sinking ship,
And I forever will be.
You don't give up on things you love.
You cannot just toss away two years of your life
To spend them in misery.
And while high school seems to be one big mess
Of misery,
I'm trying to make it suck less.
By doing something I love.
Or trying to, at least.
I do not know
Why I can't take control over the situations,
The words,
That control me currently.
People think life is one big bed of roses,
And they act like every problem is something you've got to
"Take the high road" on.
They never got anyone anywhere.
Do not solve themselves
We must solve them ourselves
With wicked determination
And passion.
Passion will get you anywhere,
I suppose.
I hope.
Passion had got me all riled up
And impatient
And bleary-eyed.
Passion had me in a fit
Over something I love.
Why do I live in hick town?
In a school that may as well just be a ghetto?
Why have I been screwed over
So many times?
It's not going to get any better,
But it could always get worse.
With that attitude,
Friday will be a blast.
I just had to vent my frustration.
I love you.
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