
The Ancient Commonsense of Things

I'm feeling chatty.
So let's go while the mood is right.

I realized
I want a redo.
Of getting my license.
It was nothing like it should've been,
(It still isn't)
I was not giddy with joy,
I was hardly even happy.
It was more of a pain than anything.
You know the feeling?
Waiting for something you want so bad,
And having it be nothing
Like you thought it be.
It's sickening, isn't it?
If I had a chance to redo last Friday,
I would.
There was no smiling and dancing and being happy.

And now,
I have that godforsaken little rectangle of plastic.
I have a car.
The only thing is...
I have nowhere to go.

Like nothing ever happened.

On a lighter note, though...

It's good being human, isn't it?
It's nice that we have hearts and lungs
And brains to think with.
It's so pleasant to be.
While things may suck sometimes.
We are all little human beings,
With beating hearts
That love
And souls that whisper out our dreams.
So glorious it is,
To be one with eyes to see the world
In all the vibrant hues,
And muted tones.
The hushed calls of birds and seas and cities.
Full of humans.
Breathing and living,
Just like you.
The similarities are so striking.

But there are so many differences.
And I like it.
This being human.
I've never understood cogs and machines.
The feel of a pulse and the sound of words
Has always been better.
Being human is so open-ended a question,
So we live, and it's really remarkable.

In living,
I suppose we love,
For even the greatest minds fall victim,
The ultimate human folly,
And the also a lovely, deranged gift.
Loving things.
Trees and flowers and people.

In short:
I love you.

For what now,
The hundredth time, on this blog alone?
And I often get struck by these things, ideas, and such,
That give me enormous pause and a sense of confused loveliness.

"Book to shelf, and foot to shoe, likewise I belong to you."

Cute song by a cute band
Called "Bishop Allen".
Listen to them,
They are lovely.
I promise.

1 comment:

Lily said...

This is lovely. I love how hopeful you are about humanity.