In english class we're taught what symbols are.
What they mean when strewn about a novel.
We learn to decode cryptic, authorial messages.
We read what isn't there.
In life, we don't know which symbol means what.
We're not taught how deeply to look into things.
How to look at dialogue and pick it apart
And make sense of what is said.
Or what isn't, in heavy pauses.
We don't know
Or how.
How do we look at things in real life?
In this real world,
Are there symbols?
Tucked among the speech quotations
That hang in the real-life air
Like in some comic book?
Why don't I know
How to decode what gets said.
Who knows why things are said?
Looks exchanged.
It's an art form not learned.
It's something I am not well versed in.
Someone please tell me.
When someone says one thing
What does it mean
When it
And why dialogue?
When all you're saying
Is getting translated
In my head
Into something
Do you mean it?
Does it work that way?
What does it mean.
Symbolism in real life?
Why aren't we taught how to speak
and decode.
Why don't looks come with
So we know what's being said in silence.
What's going on here
In silence and dialogue?
Dripping with
That are left unexplored.
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