This week seems to be some sort of trap for the intelligent.
We're all falling down he rabbit hole and it's not looking too pretty.
It's really looking like blank walls and test booklets covered in questions
Akin to "Who was George Washington?" and "What is a circle?"
Degrading doesn't quite cover it.
It's as though we're being tarred and feathered
In a dreadful two and a half hour silence.
There's not much to do in a silence that thick.
As though the tests weren't insulting enough.
Add another minute blow to it.
Being a good kid is a good thing, correct?
Privilege and good morals
And more freedom than your criminal-minded peers?
Eh, not always.
I just wish there was reason to it.
There isn't. There are no good reasons.
And speaking of 'rebellion'
Of the very, very garden-variety...
I will read what I wish, thank you.
Regardless of its topic
And controversy and the movie that
Spawned from it.
You looked at the cover and looked at me
And made some sort of face.
Before telling me it was a 'controversial' book.
As though I don't know what it's about.
As if I'd tell you why I'm reading it.
Of course, there's no point in telling.
So I'll read it here soon
And perhaps feel a little dangerous.
Weird, weird love stories.
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