
Lake Michigan

There are things to make life worth living,
So very much so,
That it makes me happy enough to cry.
Rain, and cold
Laughing my ass off with one of the most lovely people
I will probably ever know,
Sitting in a warm car
Listening to Reggae Led Zeppelin
Sung by an Elvis impersonator.
Billy Joel and pie,
Sleepy deprivation
In the fun way.

Yes, life.
Yes, you are often surprisingly lovely.
Kudos to you, for that,
Mysterious entity of living.

Despite crappy beginnings to days,
They may still end in the most splendid of ways.

And I am currently holding out for summer,
Because I know that it's going to be the best one yet.
Spring will come and it'll get warm
And we'll take exams

It'll all be over.
We'll go on to be older,
Juniors, in fact.
And we'll have all summer to stay up
All night, perhaps.
Drive around
And live the summer life.

Few things get better than June through August.

Despite there will always be winters,
I am hopeful.
So hopeful,
Because there are always summers as well.
And sacred Saturday nights
Spent in the best company.

Someday soon I will have a box
Filled with my life.
Something to look forward to,
Something to make it all seem worthwhile.
To sift through in the dark days of a hazy winter.

And while we laughed and practically fell off our chairs,
We also made up our future,
It was funny,
How I can say things so fluidly,
Yet, any other time,
I would've been to scared to mumble
The same words I was smiling through.

Rainy Saturdays
Are a-ok.

1 comment:

Lily said...

This needs to be put in the "yay!" bucket.