
Rebel Yell

Before the summer of last year,
I never knew that my life was missing
Such a substantial chunk of living.

And now, I totally see what was
These amazing people I am so grateful
To call my friends.
Where would I be without
(Answer: Somewhere awful)

So far,
Spring Break is living up to every
Expectation I had,
And while it is only the first full day,
I think it gets even better.
I am certainly excited.

Things are lovely,
You know.

Living is certainly splendid.



I've begun a rather strange reading expedition,
And my impressions so far are as follows:

Humbert Humbert is somewhere between "dirty old man" and "Mentally unstable"
In my mind, but I cannot help but feel almost sorry for him,
Oddly interested in his peculiar mindset,
And somewhat persuaded by what he's saying.
Is he in love with Lolita?
Is it just lust?
Is it insanity?

Regardless, the prose is beautiful.
And it's captivating.

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