

Sometimes I feel lost and weird.
Like I'm drifting out in some
vacuum of space or
perhaps just the
innards of a vacuum cleaner.
But nonetheless,
there is this feeling of
being lost in the dark
and cold and sometimes
the rain.

There is an illustration in
Persepolis where Marjane
is just floating in space.
It's a very nice picture.
And I feel like that.
But the difference is
that Marjane is in the middle
of the Iranian Revolution,
with people dying and
lots of protesting.

I am only having such things
go on in my head.
There is nothing
even so mildly interesting
or dangerous
or life-threatening
happening in my life.

Because, well,
I live in the midwest,
where we grow corn
and people play cornhole
and talk about sports.

Because I am a teenage girl
who suffers from something
labeled commonly as "angst".

Because I really want someone
to talk to sometimes.
About stuff.
About life.

But I don't
want to talk to anyone
because there ends up
being angst and complaining
and then I feel really horrible.
Because nobody should have to listen
to me be a lame teenage girl.

I'm tired of being this way.
I want to fix this state I'm in.
Where nothing is wrong,
though I still feel like everything is.

1 comment:

Lily said...

Because, well,
I live in the midwest,
where we grow corn
and people play cornhole
and talk about sports.

^Second favorite.