
Fairytale Lullaby

It's funny,
that when you're a teenager
literally every moment you live
you at some point look back and go
"That was really stupid".
(Not every single one, but
the vast majority)

It's always 
"No regrets",
but I think society
likes to take an uppercut
and say "That was dumb!
Why'd you do that?"
Pressures mount everyday,
I think.
And what we say is never right.
There's always a better way.

Everything we do is wrong.
We can't go a day without 
feeling idiotic.
People belittle our feelings.
Adults laugh at our dreams.
Our peers do dumb things,
and then we do them too.
People don't cut us any slack.

We aren't perfect.
That's alright,
I promise.

But it sucks to get
tagged with so much regret.
So many times we think
"why am I so stupid?"

You aren't.

None of us are as stupid as we're made to feel.

It's ok to be a teenager.
We're smart sometimes.
We're capable.
Let us have that.
let us feel like we should.

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