
Waiting For the Moon to Rise

That voice he has,
when he's very focused,
sort of sleepy-sounding,
eerily calm.

It's my favorite of his voices.

I can't actually concentrate
on what I'm thinking
about or saying when I 
hear it. 

I have actually stopped
mid-sentence before
when he spoke in that voice.

There's a look, too.
It's that one when 
he stands beside me,
looks over and tilts his head
and smiles a certain way.
Gets me every time.

Again, I have become flustered
and probably made a fool
out of myself
when he looks at me like that.

Today he goes
"If you need anything..."

I don't know what part of
anything that was applying to.
But the fact that you say
it is so nice. 

"You know how much I care about you".
That meant
a lot.

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