
TV Trays

You know what?
I don't know.

I don't know,
and I'm not even
going to try and figure out.

I'm just going to go on 
living my life,
or trying really damn hard to.
Sometimes things
get broken,
and you know,
I'm not sure this will glue back together.

When you drop a coffee mug,
it shatters into so many pieces
you'll never get it back together.

This week hasn't been all that good.

I spent Monday night nearly
crying on my sofa
like I used to do a lot.
Wearing my robe I wear when I'm sad
or cold.
Because I hate myself, usually.
And because I felt so ugly
and he was there and 
and yeah, I was not in a good place.

And my family has been upset with my decision
about college, and they say mean things to me
and I regret everything. 

People have been rude. 
People kinda suck.

And I dreamt about you 
and your stupid girlfriend,
As usual.
You ignore me or yell at me in my dreams.

Real humdinger of a week.

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