Doing what you love.
Doing it well.
And getting some
recognition for it.
In the past week
I have been
told twice
"We are going to publish your poem".
my heart exploded
twice from joy.
it feels
really fucking good.
Great, actually.
And my wonderful teacher
(hello Ms. Ressler!)
got one of her college friends
to send me her book of poems,
it has just come in the mail.
Maggie Smith
is the poet,
and she writes inside
that she wishes me luck with my poems.
And they want to
tell about my poetry awards
at an awards assembly
(how totally lame, I know).
It happened last year,
and another teacher
apparently said very nice things
about me,
but I missed the whole ordeal.
So this year he goes
"Well, at least you can come
and listen to me
make a fool of myself
trying to talk about you"
(or something very similar).
Sounds like fun.
So in general.
I feel really rad right now.
Yay for a rad days of poetry awesomeness!!!
Congrats on the poetry publishing - glad you will actually BE at the assembly this year!
-Ms. R
As if I didn't brag about you enough, "Yeahh, Audrey's about to be published again. TWICE. Take that world! My amazing friend is beautiful and talented!"
So proud! And Ms. Ressler- congrats on the baby! I just found out.
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