
City Middle

Those times 
with my brother
where we're both
being good
are the best.

We watched two
of the Avengers movies
tonight, Thor and
The Incredible Hulk.
And they were both
super, duper rad.
(no lie, I love me
some superhero action.)

And we would get all
and go "Oh snap!"
When awesome things happened.
We were geeking out together,
which is probably the best
anyone, anywhere can get.
When you can geek out
full-on with somebody,
you know you're cool
with them. 

And we geeked hardcore.
Because Thor
is fucking amazing 
no matter who you are.
And the Hulk, he's a

It's one of the greatest things,
we'll sit on the sofa
and watch movies.
He's one of the few
people (like, 3)
I can watch action-y movies
We dig superheroes.

And I dig my brother
at times like these.

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