
St. Peter's Cathedral

A new feeling.

I have taken my little
poetry snowglobe,
which had settled and settled 
into a comfortable rhythm.

And I shook it and shook it
into a flurry.

I have new things.
New ways to work.
New material.


And I have rarely experienced
a feeling akin to this.
It's like unwrapping 
the greatest present to
ever exist,
or akin to winning the lottery.

My stomach is throwing confetti
and high-fiving my other organs.

I have written something
I know is good.
Someone from somewhere else
could pick it up
and might say
"that was a very lovely poem."

I feel it in the coil of my limbs
as I type. I feel it in my spine.
Know I am making the right words.

I am making NEW.

I shake with the feeling,
the rush of good thoughts.

I am writing well,
I am doing good.

this exhilaration
of good writing.

I have never been
more proud of two pieces
of work, ever.

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