The number of blog posts I've written,
Soon to be 98.
And somehow the number seems counterproductive,
Seems like it's just a measure by which my life is falling away.
97 is just a label for my procrastination.
My rants, and heartaches,
Feelings, and musings.
If you could call them that.
I think 97 just became my least favorite number.
The embodiment of my failures?
Or something worth it?
Is this blog worth the time I spend on it?
It this whole blogging-experiment just a catastrophe
From which I am now inseparable?
Where else can I go to spew my brains?
That's where.
Truly, this blog is the only place in which I can let things go.
It burdens no one but myself.
While if I dared speak such things to actual human beings,
I would be a burden. I would be a distraction from their life.
I would feel guilty.
And if I kept these thoughts so closed up in my head,
I would go insane.
Not literally, just pop-culture connotation of crazy.
But I would not feel good about that, either.
The internet is a savior.
While also being the worst thing to ever happen.
97 times I've come to vent.
I can promise many of those venting sessions included
Stupid, stupid things about stupid, stupid guy.
I can promise many sound ridiculously teenage,
So angst-filled it's disgusting.
And I apologize from the depths of my heart.
But what can I do?
I've got to just let it all go somewhere, at some point.
And here.
Here's where things get said.
Get heard?
I'm not so sure about the hearing part.
I don't really care.
So long as I can type what needs to be typed.
I hate that number.
You know that by now,
If you've stuck with this post,
Until this point.
To anyone who actually cares to put up with my bullshit,
I salute you, and thank you whole-heartedly.
But what's made you stay?
What makes you read?
AKA- Constructive criticism. Lay it on me, folks.
I mentioned how ridiculously stupid I feel because of that one guy, right?
(You're probably grumbling 'only a million times already, geewhiz!')
Have I exhausted your will to tolerate stupid rantings about stupid love things?
If I have, I'm sorry. I'm surprised you held out this long.
If you haven't, wow. Do you feed off of teenage angst? Or something like that?
Because I seriously don't know how someone could stand it.
I've probably mentioned him 97 times.
(more like 97,000.)
And I'm mentioning him now,
(What a surprise)
It seems like I can only talk to him without being overcome by fear
When I'm talking about literary-ish, smart-ish things. Poetry.
When I'm in my element,
I actually make sense, sound coherent, and am not left quaking in my boots after every encounter.
Heh, quaking in my boots.
I don't wear boots,
So I have nothing to quake in.
I think I've exhausted this 98th blog post.
Congrats on making it this far.
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