
Ding Dong

It's been, what, an entire day since I blogged?
What a crime.
But I can definitely chalk this weekend up as one of the best in my life.
Possibly THE Best.
Football game, homecoming craziness, Waffle House, sleepover silliness.
I've mentioned before that I love my friends, right?
Because it's so ridiculously true.
I just love them,
"Love" isn't even the right word.
It's on that level above love.

Indescribably, utmostly, undoubtedly
One of the best weekends of my life.
Sure, certain little details weren't
But, on the whole,
What do the details matter?
In this case, nothing.
Because things are just too good to care.

I feel like I'm forgetting some sort of obligation,
An obligation like homework,
But I know, I'm not forgetting anything.
I think it's just a guilty feeling.
I'm not found of guilt.

I feel like telling you how homecoming went.
And how I it went in my mind, as well.

First, the real version:
I spent the whole day all excited and getting ready,
Because I actually really like getting all gussied up.
And so I went about things, and got mah hairs did. I felt like I was getting married, because it as fancy. (It's still currently up...)
And we gathered at Marie's and beautified further, and took a million photos, and looked like princesses, or fancy people, or something.
And it was awesome. And then we all piled into our cars and drove about to eat and loaf about Beehive and read children's books to kill time.
And then we went to the dance. It was very spiffy, and the dresses on all the people were so lovely, and the corsages looked quite beautiful. Within say, half an hour, I'd already broken my dancing record. I actually danced, however embarrassingly, and I fist pumped, and it was so silly, and awesome. While the music was still utterly awful. But that's ok, because all you could hear were people, you only felt the music. Because the bass line just attacked you. The dance was fun, and funny. And a million times better than last year.
And while I still get that feeling that in the four years I'm at hayes, I won't go to a dance wearing a corsage and a dress that matches my date's tie.
I really doubt that I'll get a date throughout high school. And sometimes, that's ok.
Last night, it was ok. Because I was sort of too giddy to care.

And now how homecoming went in my mind?
It's pathetic, so you can stop now. Because I know nobody wants to hear about my stupid lovesickness.
I feel bad if I talk about him to anyone, because I know it's stupid. I get overcome with guilt and stupidity.
But here's how it went in my mind, regardless.
I went to homecoming with my friends, and didn't go with him. But I saw him there, and he was all alone and quite forlorn looking, so I cautiously began to talk to him, to see if he wanted to talk. He did. We talked the entire dance, We sat at the very top of the bleachers, watching people dance and talking about intelligent things like government policy and Nietzsche, and not so intelligent things like The Office. And sometime during that we subconsciously decided that we quite liked each other. So we left the dance early, and went to hang around in Delaware. Outside of the school, things relaxed, we held hands, and laughed way too loudly. Somehow, I let myself be driven to his house, and I stayed the night, and it was perfect.

I know, stupid.
But both versions of homecoming were perfect. :)


I love you.

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