I think the next phase of my life will be called this-
Because I am going to try to work with hyphens, and other, varied punctuations.
But i fear this isn't going to work-
For I am no Dickinson.
I somehow felt very odd saying "I have to research Dickinson's hyphen use"
It sounded dirty-
I have no idea why...
It just did.
I was thinking of a complex analogy I could use to describe my feeling of trappedness-
For I fear my thoughts are becoming: trapped, censored, filtered.
There are certain things that can't be said.
Certain things that I have to keep to myself.
I'm not a "Bare-all"
type of person.
I don't think I used the right "bear"/"Bare".
I don't know.
And what is it
With people
And not cutting other people some slack?
We all have bad days.
Bad weeks, even,
Where we just aren't positive.
Where we sometimes just use profanity.
It happens to the best of us.
Some conceal it better than others.
But hey, it happens.
Get over it,
And cut people some slack.
A little leeway- if you will.
By the way.
I wore a toga all day today.
I felt rad, actually.
Not awkward as I had previously thought I'd feel.
It's only Tuesday...
This is the worst feeling ever.
I quite enjoy ellipses...
I just don't know what to say today.
I just don't know.
Ever had that feeling-
Where you've got so much you could spew at the world,
But you don't?
Even though you may want to more than anything?
I realized.
The blogs I follow made by people I actually know
Talk about boys.
I talk about boys.
It's always about boys.
Or really, a particular boy.
There's always a boy.
And I used to think myself above that.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
In truth,
I hate myself for succumbing to the most basic and angst-filled activities of teenage girls:
For a boy.
About a boy.
Over a boy.
I really prefer the term "guy", here.
He's not really a "boy".
Not really at all.
That was a weird statement.
"Not really at all."
But indeed, and alas,
"Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em."
I hate that phrase.
But there it is.
Stupid, conniving, deceitful,
Lovely, smart, silly,
It's always about a boy.
But never having.
Because, so far as I am concerned,
They are objects (People...)
To only be looked at from afar.
They are the pretty things that you can't touch-
Lest they break into a million pieces.
What a horrible analogy.
But I think you get the point.
But can't have.
In a primitive way of speaking.
It is
What it is.
Gee look.
I always say "I don't know what to say"
And end up rambling a considerable amount.
I guess.
I must be off.
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