

Firstly, I'm surprised I haven't used this song title yet. And yes, it's "Heroin", like the hardcore, disgusting drug.
But it's a good song, nonetheless.
By the Velvet Underground,
In case you wanted to know.
But you probably didn't.

Today (Yesterday) was Friday.
And it was surprisingly good.
Despite my bad omens this morning,
Nose bleed, substitute bus driver, the like.
It went swell.
For many reasons.
It was warm, it was sunny, it was beautiful outside.
I was alive, and not ill, and not dead today.
I drove my automobile and managed not to kill anyone.
I drove across town.
In the dark.
With multiple passengers.
So many firsts there.

I watched "An Education" (Finally!) with a friend of mine,
And I'm still pondering it.
It's a wonderful film.
Brilliant and beautiful,
Dark and revealing.
Somewhat scary.
But I loved it.
I'm still deciphering all of the facets.
So much happened in the movie.
I snickered, I came close to tears.
I was assaulted by thought.
And to think, that movie was someone's memoir.
Somebody lived that.
How tragically beautiful-horrible.


How would you feel,
To fall for this older, suave, sophisticated man,
And to have the best time of your life.
And to think you had everything planned out.
Only to see,

You didn't.
You're side-swept.
By this horrible, toppling truth.
A married man?
How would that feel?
To throw away your life,
To fall in love with a man,
Who was married?

How could one not break in two?
Wouldn't the pain be indescribable?
It would be so horrendous.

And so my thoughts got all jumbled up
With love thoughts,
About that stupid guy again.
What if such went my life?
What if "An Education" suddenly went *poof*
And my life became like that?
I spent an entire car ride across town thinking, pretending so.

But on the real-life side of this,
This stupid thing.
I talked to you today, as I sometimes do.
We talked. We went our separate ways. I was happy with that. It was a meaningful conversation.
And then, I leave school. And I'm sitting at the intersection, chatting about something silly with my mother,
When I see a car. Your car.
It took me a minute to realize,
Because you look different from afar.
But it was you.
And you realized it was me, across from you.
So you smiled. And waved. And it was cute.
And I smiled. And waved, back.
I must point out that you were on the phone whilst driving, and that's bad. Unsafe.
You can't go and die in a car wreck. Prohibited. You can't.
But I think the acknowledgement meant a lot. To me it did.

But now, I'm dead tired.
But I can't get my mind to shut up about you.
I keep seeing scenes in my head, all 1960's-ified, you and I.
There's a song called "You and I".
It's cute.
By Ingrid Michaelson,
In case you were wondering,
Which you weren't.

In any case.
"I hate myself for lovin' you."
That's a song too.
And it's true.
Because things will never happen between us.
Because fate is cruel and mysterious.
So unless by some strange miracle something strange and miraculous happens,
I must be content to chat with you.
And wave at you.
And steal glimpses of you.

Sorry to have bored you all with this,

And yes,
I love you.

I feel like I should include my last two tweets, (It was going to be three, but the first gave away a major detail of who he is.)
Because they relate to this stupid love-thing.

Another stupid thing. Today you remembered one of my poems. Quite well, too. And that was last year. It made me quite happy. :)

Day 3 of tweets about you. I saw you in your car. You smiled and waved, I smiled and waved. Things were good. :)

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