
The Captain and the Hourglass

Have you ever had one of those days that just made you angry?
Pissed off, ticked, irked, annoyed, etc.

I'm having one now.
I'm tired of idiotic people, other people, piecewise functions, essays, etc.

I have that before-you-get-sick feeling,
Where your head stuffs up, you get lethargic, and scratchy-throated.

I really don't have much else to say other than angry things.
How I just want to punch things and then cry about it.
Which is what five year olds do.
So I shouldn't do it.

I should do my homework.
Homework that sucks.
Is difficult,

I have an essay to write,
Nothing new, right?
Wrong, actually.
An english essay,
I suck at those.
Can never make my point.

Nothing seems to ever work out for the better.
I cannot stand this.

Goodbye for now.
I may be back, but probably not.
After all, I have homework.

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