
The Future's So Bright (I Have to Wear Shades)

Yeah, I'm back.
To complain at you about ridiculous things that don't seem to plague the general populous.
Or, if they do, then the general populous does a splendid job at hiding their plaguedness.
(Plaguedness is a fictitious word, I wonder what the actual word for this would be...)

Before I dive into horribly constructed rants and rambles,
Let me say one very random thing.
Latin has opened me up to words and meaning of words,
Basically, language skills,
I would have otherwise had to have gone without.
I love how my english vocabulary had expanded due to taking Latin.
Words like "Lacrimal". You know they're good when even an english teacher doesn't know what they mean.
(No offense to any english teachers out there.)
But really, Latin opens up avenues of language that make life easier.
Yeah, easier. Because Latin? It is a very, very, very practical language.
Latin is everywhere. And yes, I truly mean EVERYWHERE.

Onto other things, just had to proclaim my love for a second there.

I'm not sure about you all,
But does it (or did it) ever seem that families are truly very distant little things.
At least, so it seems to me.
My family, in particular, we don't seem so close.
We don't really hold conversations, we don't agree politically, morally.
We don't so much listen to each other, either.
It sometimes feels like we are repulsed by each other.
Are all families this way?
I should hope not.

My family is either one of two extremes most times,
Either so distant as to be unreachable, or terribly, terribly overbearing.
But really, there isn't much communication.
I've always been a little reclusive when it comes to family.
And when it comes to certain things, I am altogether self-motivated,
Like in school work,
There is no pressure from my parents to get good grades.
I just do.
They literally just say "Do your best."
And so I do.
In some ways, I think my family has made me into a little robot.

When I become part of another family,
i.e- by marriage, not by popping out babies.
I hope it's different.
I want my husband's family to be different.
I want my husband to be different.
And I know, marriage, it won't be happening for quite some time, but still.

I couldn't bear to be as quiet as I am around my family.
I really am quiet.
And I don't like it.
It makes me seem meek and timid.
Which I can be sometimes, but I don't like seeming that way.
Sometimes, I just nod and make small "Yeah" sounds.
Sometimes people don't hear me.

I hope all families are not so quiet and secluded as mine can be.

Other things, now.

Today some little part of me frayed a little more.
Each time I saw him I just hated everything a little bit more.
How horrible is that?
Very horrible, now isn't it?
Today I hated him, while at the same time, I loved him.
I keep coming to abrupt moments of realization that choke me a little bit.
And then I hate him.
But not really him,
The ideas that come with him.
Because things cannot be.
I don't know.

He's so cute.
All adorable and gawky.
Smart and silly and clumsy,
Definitely secretly pessimistic.

Sorry for wasting y'all's time.
I know you've all got much, much better things to do than read these rants that stretch on into tomorrow.
But I leave you with this,
Please, be happy, and I hope you all have lovely television-type families, and that you love somebody and are happy. I wish I could make everyone happy. Just flick a little switch that made everyone grin and laugh and love.
And it's sappy, but I like when people are happy. It makes me happy, too.

And a quote ( I love this one.):

"What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts, and experiences otherwise than we do…?"
-Friedrich Nietzsche

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