
Mansard Roof

I'm so stoked for today.
Stoked like you would not believe.

I even woke up in a good mood.
A true sign that today will be wicked, killer fantastic.
And I don't think anything is going to kill the happy.
If something does, well,
I think I'll kill it.
With a big stick.
Or some similar apparatus.

I think apparatus comes from Latin.
I could be wrong,
But hey, it sounds Latin.
Like Semper ubi sub ubi!
"Always where under where."
That's literal...
But you get what I mean.
And it's kind of funny.
Sometimes Latin is pretty hilarious.
Mostly because Magistra is epic.
And our textbook illustrations are so horrible that they're funny.
Like the evil Flaccus finger!!!
Or the leap frog...
Ohhh, the leap frog.
Good times from Latin I.

It's one of those classes with only good memories.
There was truly never (NEVER!)
A bad time in Latin.

It was always the spirit-booster class.
Whenever high school got you down,
Latin brought you right back up.
As nerdy as it sounds,
I love Latin.

I also love dresses.
Which is another reason why today's gonna be awesome.
Homecoming dress shopping.

Ha, that reminds of the conversation yesterday about how awkward his dancing would be.
It would be.

So let's get on with this epic day.

Because everyone's always saying "Carpe Diem!" right?

"We've got some diem to carpe!"
(Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.... )

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